Thinking European History and Culture

KreaScientia: Institution for sustainable learning

KreaScientia as a non-profit organization supports social and cultural learning processes in the context of European integration and sustainable development. For this purpose KreaScientia develops learning tools, organizes seminars and works closely with European partners in the voluntary and educational sector. Located in the heart of Western Europe, KreaScientia is convinced that the future of Europe lies in the development of a regional and supra-national consciousness of the common cultural heritage of 3.000 years of European civilization. The awareness of the shared past reinforces European identity. This learning process can provide best in authentic learning sites.

KreaScientia has developed a toolbox on the European heritage showed on the Euro as common money (5 Euro Antiquity to 500 Euro Modern time). This is a framework that will be used for the exchanging activities. KreaScientia sets up projects and training courses for adults in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine - the three nation region of Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. The experiences in cross-cultural communication in a broad sense will be brought in as expertise to conduct the project "Thinking European History and Culture". This expertise will foster the benefit of participants and the distribution of the results.

We have been working with the French organization “Route Européenne des Légendes” in European seminars in 2012 on similar topics and since then we have a fruitful exchange of information, expertise and visions. We see it as a great chance to use the learning partnership of the Grundtvig programme continue and expand the previous work with other European partners. We will participate in all project activities, host the second set of workshops, bring in our local network and will be responsible for setting up the agenda and for the practical arrangements. Together with the other partners we will take part in the preparation and implementation of all the planned activities and events, we will also be responsible for publishing and disseminating the project results in Germany through the selected media by working within an European context.

Future-oriented learning of people and regions. By creative use of knowlegde. KreaScientia combines scientific principles with creativity. The aim is to promote the sustainability of people and regions. People learn in the region in which they live. The creative use of knowledge for their own actions as well as in the conceptual work is KreaScientia's guiding principle. The following criteria are relevant in this context:

  • Cross-curricular and systemic thinking
  • action-oriented learning (regional, European, international),
  • learning from history for the future,
  • cooperative and creative working

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